Even though isolation in Europe is still ongoing, many states have already begun to think about the possibility of opening borders for travelers and tourists. A significant part of the resort states hope to end the epidemic and open the season in July. Some states call the opening time only 2021.
We have summarized all the statements of the authorities of different states, which is popular with tourists, and combined the data into a list. And here is what we got at the beginning of May:
Turkey is going to meet foreign tourists and travelers in early August, the Minister of Tourism Mehmed Ersoy voiced his opinion. The hotel business should earn money at the end of June, at the same time the first tourists should appear, nevertheless, Turkey plans to open in large numbers only in August.
Here they also hope for the end of July, at least in Dubai.
According to experts, tourists can return to the country only in 2021.
State authorities claim that it is too early to announce any specific dates for the start of the reception of tourists and travelers.
Spain is preparing in June for domestic tourism, and in July-August for inbound tourism. But, different territories evaluate the situation differently. For example, in Mallorca they plan to open by July, in addition, negotiations are underway with German tour operators. In the Canary Islands, President Angel Victor Torres is ready to receive tourists from other countries, only starting in November.
Italy the state with which the virus “started” in Europe hopes for a better situation. Starting June 1, they plan to launch bars and cafes, and they expect to open borders for foreigners by early July. This will affect only tourists from the Schengen area.
Greece also hopes for the return of tourists in June. The Minister of Tourism of Greece said, “Our goal is for the season to begin in July and possibly last until October or November.” Hotels and hotels want to start opening in June, too, first for domestic tourism, and then for everyone else.
Cyprus also hopes to meet tourists again in June. The only thing is about tourists from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where the situation with the virus is more favorable.
Bulgaria plans to open borders in July – August.
Portugal does not hope for this year; in the resort region of the Algarve, they are afraid that they will not see tourists until 2021. The state is counting on domestic tourism, but this will be clearly not enough.
Montenegro intends to meet tourists as early as June – the National Tourism Organization said that the opening of Montenegro’s borders for tourists and the resumption of transport links are expected in early June.
I would like to note that it is necessary first of all to wait for the opening of your national borders, at the moment we have to focus on domestic tourism, the main stake travel companies are doing just on it.