Health & Fitness

5 Simple Workouts For The Laziest

You can stretch yourself in any position: sitting, standing on all fours and even lying down.         When laziness prevents you from rising, you just need to start moving. In any position - it doesn’t matter. We have come up with five easy and short workouts for you that will help you strengthen your muscles and stretch nicely, relieving stress. Lying...

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Highlighter For The Face: What is it, Why is it Needed In Makeup, Types, How To Choose And Use (Instruction)

Highlighter is a real find for your cosmetic bag if you want to give your skin a fresh and rested appearance, make your skin radiant and achieve perfect contouring and distract attention from problem areas and make wrinkles less noticeable. What is a Highlighter? Highlighter is a decorative cosmetics used for sculpting the face - lightening and highlighting...

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5 Ways To Give Up Sweets!

Even in childhood, sweets, cakes, and cookies were perceived as something pleasant, divine, and giving joy and happiness. It is hard to resist what brings great pleasure and gets with such ease. Scientists and psychologists have proved with their theories that people who love sweets are much happier and more joyful than those who do not like them. Many years...

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