If you wake up each morning and struggle to decide what to wear, you are more likely to stick with the same outfits again and again. Not only is this boring, but it’s also a waste of all the fabulous clothes hidden away in your closet that never get to see the light of day! Organizing your wardrobe could be the answer to your fashion problems and these six smart tips will ensure you can find your perfect outfit in super-quick time.
Use Hangers to Keep Clothes at Their Best
It sounds so simple, but it’s surprisingly easy to get into bad habits and before you know it you’ve got a full-on ‘floordrobe’. Hanging items not only makes them easier to find when you need them but also keeps your clothes in better condition and less likely to get creased. Invest in enough hangers so each item has a space of its own and don’t be tempted to cram more clothes than you can fit into a space. You should be able to move each item along the rail freely so you can see each piece of clothing and stop it getting crumpled.
Pass On Clothes You Don’t Wear
We are all guilty of keeping items we never wear, and these take up valuable closet space. Set aside time to go through your wardrobe using the Marie Kondo method. Take everything out of your wardrobe, look at it carefully and hold it in your hands. If you don’t regularly wear it or feel joy, then consider passing it on to someone who can use it. Either donate the items to charity or consider selling them via sites such as eBay and Vinted.
Organize By Color
A rainbow effect in your closet is aesthetically pleasing and can make it easier to lay your hands on a particular item. Open closets look amazing with this layout so not only will you be able to find what you are looking for more easily, but you’ll have a feature that makes your room look bright!
Have a Seasonal Wardrobe
If your closet is too full, consider organizing it by season. You are unlikely to need a thick coat during the hottest months, so put this along with any other winter clothes in storage over the summer. Rotating clothes by season will make choosing an outfit easier and can help you create a capsule wardrobe by adding key pieces. You can find discount codes for many popular brands which can help you make great savings.
Match Underwear Using the Ziplock Bag Method
Lingerie sets with matching bra and panties are a perfect base for any outfit, but if you’ve ever struggled to find two pieces that match you need to adopt the Ziplock bag method. Place each set in a Ziplock bag and put in a drawer specifically for underwear. Each morning you can pull out a bag and know you will have a matching set.
Keep Shoes in Pairs
Shoes are the finishing touch to any outfit so keeping them in good condition is a must. If you have a large closet with shelving such as a walk-in wardrobe, you may be able to display your shoes in pairs or store them in boxes. If you have limited space, keeping shoes in pairs can be done by using washing pegs to clip each pair together. If multiple pairs need to be stored in the same box, place the heaviest shoes such as boots at the bottom and lighter pairs at the top to stop them becoming misshapen.
Tackling your wardrobe can feel like a mammoth task but once it is in order you will never look back! Happy organizing!