Perhaps the cherished dream of many women is to completely stop the process of the withering of the skin of the face. Unfortunately – a pipe dream. But there are many ways to improve the skin condition and successfully deal with age-related changes. In this case, one of the unique achievements of cosmetology is very effective – salicylic peeling.
Salicylic chemical peeling is a rejuvenation procedure using salicylic acid. This method does not cause side effects, so it can be used by patients with any type of facial skin.
The procedure is perfect for those who have problem skin, so peeling with salicylic acid perfectly dries, eliminates oiliness, removes comedones and various acne rashes, and in general, makes the skin healthy and well-groomed.
Is it Really Worth a Try?
Salicylic face peeling is also ideal as a rejuvenating procedure, as it has unique anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, stimulates blood circulation and smoothes even the deepest wrinkles. Peeling with salicylic acid gently exfoliates dead epidermal cells and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which maintain skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles.
Depending on the degree and depth of exposure, salicylic acid is used for peeling in a concentration of 15% (surface – gentle) or 30% (mid-surface – has a stronger effect).
Superficial peeling helps to effectively deal with the problems of oily skin, with acne and comedones, and the mid-surface peeling provides complete relief from problems and smooths the skin surface (whitens, removes fine wrinkles, increases skin turgor).
There are several indications for salicylic peeling: acne (of varying severity), seborrhea, some signs of skin aging, various inflammatory processes (acne scars, redness, etc.), as well as severe skin pigmentation.
Better to Consult a Cosmetologist Before Trying
Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist to determine the condition of the skin and the appropriate type of peeling. One or two weeks before the expected date of visiting the salon it will be necessary to prepare: the cosmetologist will recommend and prescribe special preparations that will prepare the skin for the effects of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid peeling takes place in several stages, with a course of several procedures every two weeks.
If you have the necessary knowledge and skills, salicylic peeling can be performed at home, but it is still more rational to consult a specialist, since this procedure has many contraindications, which can be warned by a cosmetologist. Among them: sunburn, herpes and colds in the acute stage, pregnancy and breastfeeding, wounds and any injuries on the surface of the skin, as well as an allergy directly to salicylic acid.
For independent chemical peeling, it is better to use salicylic acid of a lower concentration – 2%, 5%, 10%. Large concentrations can cause serious burns and are used only in professional cosmetology.
How to make salicylic acid peeling at home
- Cleanse the skin from makeup, soften the skin with milk. Do not steam the skin and use it to cleanse scrubs!
- Treat the skin with an antiseptic (e.g. chlorhexidine).
- Apply the salicylic acid solution to the skin using a cotton pad.
- 15-20 minutes after the start of the procedure, it is necessary to neutralize the acid. To do this, wipe the skin with a cotton pad moistened with a solution of soda (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of body water), then rinse with cool water and re-treat the skin with an antiseptic. Then apply a soothing mask or cream according to skin type.
After applying salicylic acid to the skin, a slight burning sensation or tingling sensation is possible. If severe irritation and pain appear, the procedure should be stopped immediately, apply a neutralizer, and rinse with water.
After acid peeling, a feeling of dryness, tightness, redness, and peeling of the skin may appear on the skin for a week. This will pass, all the same, the skin received a chemical burn, so you need to be patient and not touch the skin with your hands and even more so tear off the crusts that appear. For dry and tight skin, use moisturizing cosmetics.
In addition, so that efforts are not wasted, the skin should be protected from direct sunlight during the week after peeling with salicylic acid, using protective creams, and refrain from visiting a bath or sauna. And then your skin will say thank you!