The appearance of freckles is promoted by spring sunshine. They last all summer and only disappear or turn pale in winter. Girls with freckles are charming, but almost every owner wants to get rid of them.
It is much easier to prevent the appearance of freckles than to get rid of them. Therefore, do not wait for the first sun rays to decorate your face with specks. Make it a rule to use sunscreen during the entire solar activity season before going out, with a protection factor of at least 20.
Properly selected sunglasses, a hat with a wide brim will also help protect against sunlight. People prone to age spots should not be exposed to sunlight for a long time.
What to do if freckles or age spots still appear?
It is impossible to get rid of “solar marks” completely, but you can make them less visible without harm to the health of the skin with the help of folk remedies.
It should be remembered that it is advisable to do all whitening procedures in the evening since afterward it is impossible to prevent sunlight from entering the skin.
- An excellent remedy for pigmentation is dandelion juice: squeeze juice from dandelion leaves and wipe stains 3-4 times a day.
- Lemon juice has good whitening properties. You can wipe the skin daily with lemon juice, but carefully, as there may be an allergic reaction (with dry skin – in half with water).
- Lotion from a decoction of parsley roots and lemon juice: a strong decoction of parsley roots mixed with lemon juice, wipe pigment spots in the morning and evening.
- To discolor freckles, wiping the skin of yogurt with two-three-day kefir or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is effective.
- Brown spots will be less noticeable if you wipe them every day in the morning and evening with strong black hot tea.
- Fresh horseradish juice is bred in equal parts with water. The resulting liquid is wiped skin for whitening.
- You can lighten the “solar tags” with cucumber juice. Cut the fresh cucumber into rings or chop it with a blender and use as a mask.
- Peel and grease the face with a nourishing cream, then apply tomato slices on the skin for 15 minutes. After wiping your face with a cotton pad dipped in milk.
- Strawberries, black currants and strawberries also have whitening properties, it is enough to crush the berries and apply the resulting mass to the skin for 15-20 minutes. Then apply a cream suitable for your skin type.
Final Words
Before you remove freckles, think about whether you need it and do you lose your personality at the same time? Because you need to make a choice here. Do or not. Happy learning!