Some women go through their periods without feeling anything – others –experience cramps, and their PMS symptoms are severe enough to discourage them from doing everyday things.
Periods are a different experience for every woman – but – the important thing is to feel clean and fresh even when it is that time of the month.
Here are some hygiene tips you can follow while you are on your period, which can work wonders for you.
Keep reading!
Shower Regularly
There is nothing wrong with showering when you are on your period. Regular showers during your periods are necessary to prevent unwanted odor and to reduce the potential risk of developing an infection.
Usually, you will want to prioritize taking a shower in the first three days of your periods as the flow tends to be a little heavier. You can shower in the morning and before going to bed. You will feel relaxed.
As a rule of thumb – you will want to avoid using scented soap – instead – you will want to use unscented soap to clean yourself. Of course, it will be tempting to use fragrant soaps –especially during this time of the month.
But – the truth is that using scented soaps during this time of the month only contributes to unbalancing the pH level of your skin. So, your best option is to stay away from using scented soaps on your sensitive body part.
But – of course- you can use scented soaps on other parts of the body.
Wear the Right Type of Underwear
You will want to wear lightweight underwear during your periods to allow your body to breathe. Tight fabrics don’t feel good on your skin, and these can also trap moisture and heat, which will then cause germs to thrive and irritate your skin.
On the other hand, breathable clothing, such as lightweight cotton, will allow the heat to flow, and you will also experience fewer odors. You will feel comfortable in your skin. If your clothes get stained during your periods, you will want to rinse them right away with cold water before it sets.
If the stain is still there – you will want to add a little bit of baking soda and let the cloth sit in the cold water and baking soda for at least five minutes –then rinse out with cold water again and wash as usual.
Always wash your period undies separately with cold water before washing them with other clothes. We recommend using period undies for your period to give yourself a fresh feeling. Usually, women worry about how to wash thinx and reuse period undies – but – we have the answer for you.
Find out how to wash your things and take care of your hygiene during this time of the month.
Sip on Hibiscus Tea
Many women experience cramps and feel bloated during their periods. If you can relate, you will want to drink hibiscus tea at least once a day during your period to tame this uncomfortable feeling.
At this point, you might be wondering why we asked for hibiscus tea and not any other tea. The underlying reason is that hibiscus tea has more vitamin C than any other herbal tea.
If you drink vitamin C during your periods, you can support self-turnover during your period and make your periods less painful as the flow will improve. All you need to do is to brew two cups of water with three spoons of hibiscus flowers.
Subsequently, let the tea sit for two minutes until it turns into a beautiful red-orange shade. Sip on the hibiscus tea throughout the day. And believe us when we tell you that hibiscus tea is the only herbal tea that works wonders to reduce period cramps, bloating, and heal body aches.
This tea will definitely put you in a positive state – physically and mentally. Besides, the tea is super delicious and supports good hygiene because it helps wash out the urinary tract to keep everything clean and flowing.
If you experience cramps and bloating to the point where it is too painful, you will want to deal with it right away with the help of a heating pad. You will want to use a heating pad to reduce inflammation.
Keep Your Sheets Clean
Another important hygiene tip for your periods is to change your bed sheets and towels every three days while you are on your periods. When we are on periods, the sheets and towels can become a place where bacteria are attracted, and if it is not cleaned – they could develop fungus that can spread pretty easily and quickly.
We sleep on the sheets and dry our bodies with the towel – sometimes, we don’t even notice that a few period stains got transferred onto the sheets or towels. With that said, changing your sheets and towels a few times more during the week is another good hygiene practice to have when you are on your period.